Aleksandar S. Vujić (1945-Senta, +2017 Belgrade)
Composer, Conductor, Pianist
Received degree in composing (Prof. Stanojlo Rajičić, Prof. Petar Ozghijan, Prof. VasilijeMokranjac), conducting (Prof. Dušan Skovran, Prof. Živojin Zdravković) also Music Master Piano (Prof. Andreja Preger, Prof. Olga Mihailović). Faculty of Music, Belgrade, University of Art. During his studies he four times received the best student award.
1999 Rotterdam Fifth World symposium on Choral Music – Prof Max Frey lecture “Composers Portrait Aleksandar Vujić)
• 1983 “Zoltan Kodaly” Medal presented by the Hungarian government
• 1987 Guest of US government (USIS)
• 1988 State Medal of Israel
• 2014 State Medal of Serbia Post
• 1987 Founder of the Chamber of Orchestra “Sinfonietta” Beograd (Artistic Director and conductor)
• Choir director: Djakon Avakum Chamber choir1968, Baruch Brothers 1980-87
• First Belgrade Singing Society1981-85 and 2003
• Branko Cvetkovic 1988
• Mixed Choir “Iuventus cantat” at Sombor 2002-2003
• Madrigal choir of the Faculty of Music Belgrade 2001
• 1997 Guest lecturer at Kansas State University USA
• 2000 Professor of score reading at the Faculty of Music, University of Arts, Belgrade (Conducting Department)
• 2001 Vice dean at the Faculty of Music, University of Arts, Belgrade
• Adjudicated many times at International Choir Competition in Karditza – Greece and Johannes Brahms International choral competition /Wernigerode Germany (-2003.)
• 2003 -Artistic director of Serbian Choral Federation
• Jury member at many Choir competitions in Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Germany, Netherlands, China, Russia…
• 1993 “VII ConcorsoInternazionale di ComposizioneedElaborazionecorale” segnalazione d` onore
• 1995 “Robert Schumann International Choir Composition Competition” first and third prize
• Golden Medal at the 2. Choir Olympics at Bussan South Korea (with Choir “Iuventuscantat” as a choral conductor.
• 2014 State Medal of Serbia
• 1992 World Bahai Congress New York: “Ehresei Dir” (to BijanKhademMissagh)
• 1994 Borko Bosiočić: “Hebrew Suite” (to Teodora Bosiočić)
• 1995 City of Friedberg Germany: “Peace Motet”
• 1996 Bavarian Radio Munich – Germany: “Mit Dir” (to Sophie Kovenz)
• 1997 Kansas State University USA Manhattan, Kansas: “Gloria” (to Prof. Rod Walker and KSU Choir)
• 1998 Kansas State University USA Manhattan, Kansas: “Let life be joyful” (to Prof. Dr. Gary C.Mortenson and KSU Trumpet ensemble)
• 1998 BratislavRakić: “Ne upućuj se daleko”
• 1998 Children Church Choir “Rastko” – Belgrad: “Hristosvoskrese”
• 1999 Choir Olympics 2000, Musica Mundi
• 1999 “Concordia”: Male Choir Limburg Germany: “Ave Maria” (to Richard Moser and Ensemble “Concordia”)
• 2000 “I Vocalisti” Chamber Choir Lübeck Germany (conductor Hans-JoachimLustig) on the 250th anniversary of Bach’s death: “SingetdemHerren” (dedicated to them)
• 2001 Christmas song (to Colegiumvokale- Friedberg and Bernd Georg Mettke)
• 2004Motette der Heiligen Afra ( to Dr.Dr. Anton Losinger )
• 2011 „ Ich bin din“ for Mail ChoirSONUX, recorded at 2013 on CD(Joachim Lustig)
• 2012 Oratorium „Golgota Jasenovac“, performed at Banja Luka
• 2013 „Laudate Dominum“( CANZONE 11 ; Conductor Tanja Wawra)
His compositions are published in Germany, USA, Italy and Serbia. Exclusive publisher of Aleksandar S. Vujic works is "Synkope"Verlag- Germany
Instrumental works:
Solo Piano, Solo Violin, Solo Violoncello, Solo Voice with piano, String duos, Trios, String quartettes, Chamber orchestra und Symphony Orchestra.
Tošin bunar 5
11000 Beograd, Zemun
Mobile: +381 63 8875121
Phone: +381 11 2100767
Social networks